Sunday, January 20, 2008

Love Will Tear Us Apart

Via Fabulist

Absolutely haunting version of this track by Susanna and The Magical Orchestra.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dundalk Bling?

Ok, I know it's been a while but I've been busy ok? I've been spurned into posting again by this.

(Via Via Anthony and Damien Mulley)

I saw it over Christmas. Now, I'm a TV addict and have been since 8 o'clock starts on a Sat morning with Swop Shop, but I had to turn the TV off during this.

If it wasn't a series I'd think it was a piss take. Proof if ever was needed that this great little nation of ours has smoked the proverbial crack pipe of celtic tiger bling.

Where do I sign up to make the documentary on this guy's life in ten years time? Now that's gonna be fun.

iwantacountry where children don't grow up to be like this.

Good to be back ;)
