Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random Stuff

Interesting article from the Guardian on whether downloading music is the way forward. As there's no radio on my Android GPhone, I have been using the application a lot as well as Streamfurious radio streamer. Mmmmmm, will music also make the leap to the 'cloud'?

Via Damien and good to see the right people do this stuff: Kevin Dunne.

Awesome drumming

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just testing

I want a country where taxpayers money being pumped into irresponsible banks still doesn't make a damn difference on the stockmarkets. Lucky I'm in Ireland so.

Sent from my GPhone

iwantacountry where dogs dont look like this

Shocking, tacky and downright cruel

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2FM to make Rick O'Shea and Nikki hayes show all music

iwantacountry where licence fee payers are treated with intelligence

A step backwards if ever there was. The personality and the character are the reasons people tune in to specific shows. Listeners don't want more 'that was, this is' linking droids which are plentiful enough on other stations. If people just want music then they will choose to listen to their choice, on their terms and in their time with their iPod, Streaming radio, LastFM, Imeem and that fella who plays the banjo at the end of Dun Laoghaire pier.

And there I was thinking Irish radio was actually beginning to get it...

